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Product Description
In Souls on Fire: Portraits and Legends of Hasidic Masters, Elie Wiesel reenters, like an ardent pilgrim, a star of Hasidism. "When we am asked about my Jewish affiliation, we conclude myself as a Hasid, " writes a author. "Hasid we was, Hasid we remain". Yet Souls on Fire is not a elementary sequential story of Hasidism, nor is it a extensive book on a subject. Rather, Elie Wiesel has prisoner a hint of Hasidism by tales, legends, parables, sayings, and deeply personal reflections. His book is a testimony, not a study. Hasidism is suggested from within and not analyzed from a outside. "Listen attentively, " Elie Wiesel's grandfather told him, "and above all, remember that loyal tales are meant to be transmitted - to keep them to oneself is to misuse them". As a censor appearing on a front page of The New York Times Book Review has written, "The visualisation has been offering before: Elie Wiesel is one of a good writers of this generation". Wiesel does not merely tell us, though draws, with a palm of a master, a portraits of a leaders of a transformation that combined a series in a Jewish world. Souls on Fire is a loving, personal confirmation of Judaism, combined with difference and with silence. The author brings his surpassing believe of a Bible, a Talmud, Kabbala, and a Hasidic story and strain to this masterpiece, display us that Elie Wiesel is maybe the generation's many fervid "soul on fire".
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #286741 in Books
- Published on: 1982-08
- Original language: English
- Binding: Hardcover
- 268 pages
Editorial Reviews
Language Notes
Text: English, French (translation)
Customer Reviews
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12 of 12 people found a following examination helpful.
By Loren D. Morrison
Elie Wiesel describes himself as conjunction philosopher nor historian though "merely" as a "storyteller who transmits what was given to him, as steadily as possible, nonetheless lending it his possess voice and intonation." He does accurately that in SOULS ON FIRE: HASIDIC PORTRAITS AND LEGENDS.
Before reading this book, we usually knew what small of Hasidism one can catch from examination a Habad Lubavitch appropriation appeals on Public Television and from infrequent reading of such novels as Potok's THE CHOSEN.I did know that dancing played a partial in Hasidic prayer, though hadn't a idea as to why. SOULS ON FIRE didn't make an present Hasidic consultant out of me, though it did give me a feeling for a story and traditions of a transformation that, in a years of a holocaust, played a major, if indirect, partial in a refuge of Eastern European Jewry and a culture. (It done anxiety to a dancing, too.)
The complicated Hasidic transformation seems to have started with a Baal Shem Tov (1700 - 1760). (Baal Shem Tov translates as Master of a Name.) Passed from a Baal Shhem Tov by next generations of disciples, some of whom also became Masters, or Rebbes, in their possess generations, a transformation survived, and even thrived in a many reduction than accessible environment. Eventually it had widespread to 3 geographical areas; a Ukraine, White Russia, and Poland. In any area there were particular Rebbes who taught their possess code of Hasidism and who had their possess romantic followers.
Since Wiesel's proceed to his theme is to let a several tales and parables of a Rebbes pronounce for themselves, it's my intention, in this review, to do a same though on a really singular scale. A few comments follow:
Baal Shem Tov: "Whoever loves God exclusively . . . . incompatible man, reduces his adore and his God to an abstraction."
Wiesel's Grandfather, a Hasid, though not a Rebbe: "To satisfy others to trust is easier than to believe."
Menachim-Mendl of Kotsk: "In Hell one prays improved than in Paradise."
Rebbe Bunham of a School of Pshiskhe: "I consider that we could remodel any sinner - solely a liar . . . . and a misfortune liar is one who lies to himself."
One finish story that evidently is meant for God's ears and that reflects on man's clearly fatuous wait for a Messiah:
This is also from Rebbe Bunham: A king, wanting to retaliate his son, sends him into outcast in a apart land. The prince, pang from craving and cold, waits to be recalled. As years go by, he loses a really strength indispensable to wait for a stately pardon. Finally, many years later, a aristocrat sends an intermediary with full powers to extend a aristocrat each enterprise and wish. In response, a aristocrat asks for a square of bread and a comfortable coat, zero else. He has lost that he is a aristocrat and that he could lapse to his father's kingdom.
Some of a some-more desperate Rebbes seemed to feel that God had to be reminded of his responsibilities to man, and so reminded him by their tales and parables.
Wiesel tells us that Hasidism was innate in and survived eras of fear, hunger, and persecution. He hints, by references to his possess incarceration, along with many Eastern European Jews, in a Nazi Concentration Camps, that Hasidism, bred in times of anguish, had a strength to tarry a hardest exam of all, a murder of many of a adherents.
Very small in SOULS ON FIRE can be examination in a verbatim sense. To get a full impact of a book it is required to postpone faith on existence in preference of imagination and maybe a hold of compassion.
27 of 32 people found a following examination helpful.
A tour by Hassidism
By Esther Nebenzahl
Hassidism, a tales, legends, and masters, has always been a source of poser and confusion. "Souls on Fire" is a tour by Hassidism. Traveling from a source and serve growth of this singular Jewish eremite phenomenon is a fun when led by a mind and sould of Elie Wiesel. His personal and romantic input, a tales and legends enclosed via a book, and his non-academic though rather benevolent proceed (a standard Hassid) is a many frank try in perplexing to know and "speak of a unspeakable," stimulating light into a eremite passion innate out of agonise and despair. The purpose is not to determine or understand, though rather to believe.
5 of 5 people found a following examination helpful.
An amazingly created book on a fascinating subject
By Leah Suslovich
In this fascinating book, Ellie Weisel gives a personalized story of Hasidism. Using his possess memories and insights, and whatever tales and legends he finds many interesting, he takes us by Hasidism from a commencement by a lot of a Hasidic masters. The theme is engaging by itself, generally given many of a legends are surpassing or funny, and Mr. Weisel's smashing essay character is a ideal car for it. Buy and examination this book!
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