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First tagged "scifi" by Richard Gonzalez
see full specs tags: zombies(5), horror(5), living dead(4), post-apocalyptic(3), short story(2), adventure(2), action(2), fantasy(2), novella, kindle free book, occult, scifi
Product Description
Nearly dual hundred years after a universe was scorched by millions of undead Zees, a tellurian competition is still struggling to rebuild. The Zees might be prolonged gone, though so too are centuries of systematic advancement.
A organisation job themselves The Keepers of Knowledge have set out to collect and strengthen what small record survived a fall. When 4 of their Prospectors go missing, a Keepers spin to a no-nonsense niggardly named Azina and her heterogeneous organisation of hardened veterans to find them.
The hunt leads a organisation to a exploding subterraneous city. But what looks like only another hurt from a ended epoch isn’t scarcely as forlorn as it appears. Soon, a elementary rescue goal becomes a sleazy skirmish into ruin as Azina and her group unwittingly incite a savage, barbarous world. Who will mount and fight, and who will be propitious adequate to stay dead?
HIVE is a 20,000-word post baleful zombie disturb ride.
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #33055 in eBooks
- Published on: 2012-01-19
- Released on: 2012-01-19
- Format: Kindle eBook
- Number of items: 1
Customer Reviews
Most useful patron reviews
3 of 3 people found a following examination helpful.
Absolutely extraordinary read!
By vaf
I adore Zombie stories and a whole zombie underling culture.. This was positively an overwhelming story line and we desired a characters Griffin Hayes has created. From Azina to Bron to Sneak! Each of them bringing something to a story. we didnt wish any one of them to die or get bitten! we cant wait for to know what happens next. Anyone who loves post baleful and zombie scenarios. This book is a must. i wish more!!!!
3 of 3 people found a following examination helpful.
Hungry for More!
By Renae
Hive is set in a post-apocalyptic universe where a remaining survivors onslaught to arise above a hull left by a water-born illness that spin millions into a undead. Two-hundred years after and Sotercity is a place that man-kind now calls home.
"There's something for everyone. You got yourself a large brain? Join a Keepers of Knowledge. What's that we say? You're a miserly bastard? Become a Trader like Pennies. You got a illusion for squeezing into small holes looking for artefacts? we know a Keepers are always looking for new Prospectors. Oh we get it. You like to work with your hands. Grunt work for small or no pay. Got it, not a problem, Public Works goes by Grinders like some people go by unwashed tunics. But no, we wish it all, don't you? Then find yourself a reliable arms - they're fibbing around al over a place - and start freelancing as a hired gun."
This story follows Azina, personality of a organisation of freelancing Mercenaries, hired by a Keepers for a hunt and rescue of 4 Prospectors. It was meant to be a cake-walk - generally with her organisation behind her. Bron, a flesh with robotic implants; Ret, Azina's second in authority and margin medic; Jinx, a inconstant explosives expert; and Sneak, Azina's tongue-tied hovel rodent and lookout. But even before a goal got started, spanners got thrown in a works with a tag-alongs of Oleg, a Keeper; Pennies, a Trader; and Glave, a Grinder father of one of a blank Prospectors. All this piles on Alzina's shoulders and usually gets heaver a longer a hunt goes on and a risk grows higher.
Diversity of a personalities among a characters was something that we unequivocally enjoyed. It is unequivocally good a approach that a personalities within a organisation meshed good together, how one person's debility is upheld by another's strength. It gave a good energetic to a story and helped to make me feel a tie with characters.
One of my favourite partial of this novel was a use of a classical lines, like
"I'm fearful you'll usually have to hurl with a punches."
"The place is quiet. Too quiet."
Some people consider that lines like this are too cliché, though they're classical for a reason. If they weren't good lines, they wouldn't be used as most as they are.
What we found unequivocally refreshing, is a new take on a whole zombie theme. we suspicion that we is unequivocally cold how a Zee's have these white eyes that heat and that they are all companion with one another and can clarity their possess and what others see and that they are all governed by The Hive Leader. But even with all these new spins on a theme, Hayes still kept a same basis with it starting with a illness go wrong and it swelling by being bitten and their saliva.
The usually thing that we can nit-pick about is that it was too short! we got to a final page and I'm like, "Nooo! we need more!" xD So, all in all, a glorious book and one that we rarely recommend!
2 of 2 people found a following examination helpful.
A talent to watch out for
By Hugh C. Howey
I desired this story. Great characters, well-spoken dialog, and crafty phrasings that done me, as a writer, some-more than a small envious. The length is some-more than inexhaustible for a ridiculously low cost (a good approach to fool us in), and a finale left me wanting more. There are so many ways a author could take this series; I'm meddlesome to see that instruction he spins this yarn.
If we like movement and thrills, collect this adult and give it a try. It has flavors of good videogames, a cocktail and tone of an overwhelming comic book, and a vividness of a underline film. we kept meditative of a strange Predator film as we review along. The rope of mercenaries in antagonistic domain works really well.
Oh, and about median through, a inconceivable happens. The tragedy from that indicate on was unbearable. If we had any possibility of putting a story down before this event, such hopes were dashed once we reached it. we was repelled a author dared do this, and afterwards gratified (and impressed) with how he pulled it off.
Mark my words: You will know Griffin Hayes's name one day. Really blissful we gave this one a chance.
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