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First tagged "peace" by Michael Lewis
More Detail Information tags: wisdom, human rights, romance, peace, overcoming challenges, love, freedom
Product Description
“A JOURNEY THROUGH LIFE with Wisdom to Share” is a special collection of absolute poems and communication about, Wisdom, Human Rights, Freedom, Peace, Friendship, Civil Rights, Love, Romance, War and Human Conditions, combined from low within a mind and essence of NOHEMI MOLANO LEWIS. Nohemí Molano Lewis writes Prose, Free Verse, Narratives and Sonnets. Her absolute communication reflects wishes for leisure among countries, nations and people. Also she describes and analyzes a many roles a lady plays in her life as Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great-grandmother and Friend. In further Nohemí writes about Ideas, Dreams, Issues and Wars. Through her poetry, a famous author conveys a adore she feels for her children and all those she loves, either they are family or friends. Nohemí offers a reader an event to knowledge her innocent, frank and surpassing work as a Laureate Latin-American Poet. She comes with a extensive repute for being an superb author and writer (Colombina Searching for Happiness). Her poems yield a counterpart for a reader to simulate and contemplate. Also, suffer a few of her poems in French and Spanish. Nohemí’s communication surprises us with a mother-son doubt about a poser of motherhood in her poem “WHERE, SON, DID YOU COME FROM” and his special questions from his middle child, concerning a opposite and mysterious. In her poem GOLDEN BUTTERFLY his middle child observes a chrysalis transforming to a Golden Butterfly. Nohemí express: “Dear son, we perceive, in some moments of a lives, when something dies or finishes, there is an Untouched Life, Full of color, returning to us Golden Peace”. In her poem WITHOUT TEARS to her brother, who was really lonely, Nohemí wrote “Make an effort, dear brother, Smile… Raise your blue eyes, toward a forest, a prairies and a sky. Go and sing with a birds!” In ALL we NEEDED, WAS FAITH as a mother, enlivening her daughter to have faith by assisting her know a fact that “Changes in life, are required to grow”. SPECIAL POEMS OF WISDOM Civil Rights YES we KNOW, BUT In this poem a author talks about training practice from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and ideals about Civil Rights, avoiding Hate and Fear, and to Truly Love. Freedom/Liberty/Justice BEGINNING OR ENDING. A smashing poem about Mahatma Gandhi from India, who finished a fight between The British and India, and peacefully returned a land to Indian hands, giving them Justice, Freedom and Liberty. Human/Constitutional Rights AWARENESS. The author, explains in this nauseating and smashing poetry, about Corporations as synthetic persons, and humanity’s efforts to retrieve Human Rights. My Freedom/Speaking Up MY VOICE. In a poet’s possess life, she talks about her leisure and rights as a woman, as a mom and, as a mother. Peace and Freedom GRIEVING FOR PEACE. Sentimental poetry, about her prior country, Colombia. Peace and Freedom GRANT ME THE CHANCE. Poem, expressing her feelings about Peace and Freedom proclaiming autocracy for Colombian’s husbands, daughters and sons. Peace Movement MY LTTLE LIGHT. Poetry, about a Peaceful Occupy Movement, marching down Broadway with Pete Seeger’s voice, reclaiming Peace. These nauseating poems remind us about a opposite occasions in life, when tellurian beings have a right to pronounce adult for Peace, Freedom, and Human Rights. POEMS ABOUT WARS Nohemí sadly expresses PAIN and HOPE in her poem MY HERO, to her son, per a confused war, with nauseating thoughts and wish toward him. In this poem we hear her voice on war, when her son was in Vietnam. War communication is universal. Our biggest elegant masterpieces from Homer’s Iliad to several of Shakespeare’s plays are, radically War poems. LOVE POEMS In Nohemí’s SOLSTICE, we do not see a amateur poet’s technique regulating ardent outpouring. Instead Nohemí’s communication immerses we into vital an knowledge with adore and control of energy.
Product Details
- Published on: 2012-02-08
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Binding: Paperback
- 190 pages
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About a Author
Nohemí is one of twelve children from a third era Colombian family. She was innate on a remote towering camp her father named El Tyrol, that he hacked out of a jungle. After a murder of her father, killed since he was usually perplexing to vote, her mom and children changed to Ibagué, afterwards to Bogotá, collateral of Colombia. Nohemí perceived her early preparation in Colombia and after struggled for some-more after she took her children to a United States after they were deserted by their father’s family. She complicated communication in her hometown in Colombia underneath a instruction of a Poet Laureate Luz Stella. She was a Special Assistant to a President of a Colombian Supreme Court, Dr. José Antonio Caycedo, when she started training about injustices and abuses in her country. Nohemí legally immigrated to a United States in 1963, where as a singular primogenitor she lifted her family of 3 children Herbert, Joe and Mary. She taught and was a Dean during several colleges, translated legislation and news to Spanish for several Governors and DMV Directors of California, and televised it via a State. She was a Television Director and Talk Show Host and aired radio programs in San José, Costa Rica, Los Angeles and Sacramento, California. Nohemí was loaned by several Governors to state and sovereign puncture agencies for several years, providing information as media advisor, during disasters, earthquakes, fires, and floods. Her Spanish Poetry work, Semblanzas y Recuerdos, was published by California State University, Sacramento, and distributed via a United States as a Literature Text for Graduate Students. Nohemí's communication reflects her adore for both her countries Colombia and a United States. Her communication is full of excitement, energy, clear imagery, and colors anyone can describe to with excitement. Nohemí takes us by her artistic communication with insinuate feelings and memorable characters any step along any brave journey. Nohemí perceived many awards edition her poems by several United States organizations. She published her Spanish journey novel Colombina Buscando la Felicidad, that is being good perceived in a general literary market. Now Colombina Searching for Happiness in English, as good as French, will be accessible soon. A Journey Through Life with Wisdom to Share contains special poems of knowledge giving us insight, that can change a lives.
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